Are you concerned about your child’s speech, language or feeding development?
You are doing the right thing looking for a speech-language pathologist (SLP) if you have concerns.
We are considered the experts in communication development and are the primary provider in assessing and treating feeding and swallowing issues. This is because we have years of experience and uniquely training in this area. We are licensed professionals and certified nationally.
We are here to help and support you!
Midtown Speech NYC is run by Becky Iswara. She is a teacher-turned-speech therapist with over 15+ years of experience in the Education field. She holds a Master’s Degree in Speech-Language Pathology from Columbia University, Teachers College. Read more about her here!
Becky has experience conducting comprehensive speech-language-feeding evaluations in various work settings for infants to young adults.
Becky performs private comprehensive speech-language evaluations for families seeking deeper insight into their child’s development and expert support with identifying next steps.
Becky also works with special education lawyers and advocates to conduct Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE). Under special education law, parents are entitled to seek a free Independent Educational Evaluation each time they disagree with an evaluation obtained from their school district.
Other Services
We provide high-quality therapy focused on the needs of the child and priorities of the family. Interventions are based on research, individualized and motivating to the child, and take on a collaborative approach with caregivers and other team members.
Enrichment Classes
Classes are developed for children of ALL abilities and led by teacher-turned-speech therapist, Becky Iswara. Children will engage in motivating and educational activities that promote speech-language development while caregivers will be given expert tips on how to advance skills during everyday life!